Wednesday 5 June 2019

#IWSG My Favorite Genre?

Of all the genres you read and write, which is your favorite to write in and why?
Well, technically, fantasy is my favorite genre to read and write, but I do enjoy some paranormal romances. My problem is I have a hard time finding paranormal romances that I enjoy reading. I'm not really into the "damsel in distress falls in love with her captor within minutes of him taking her from her family and friends" stories. I love strong female characters. I love a romance that takes a long time to develop. I love stories that don't put so much emphasis on a male's nether regions and how big they are or his perfectly chiseled face, and powerful physique.

It seems so many of the paranormal romances I find copy and paste the descriptive terminology from other books.

I want something fresh and different. Something that focuses on the development of a relationship rather than the end result (sex). I want something realistic in the sense that it leaves out the love at first sight aspects, especially in situations of abduction (sorry, it just doesn't happen like that and as soon as it does in a story, I can't keep reading no matter how much I was enjoying the story before that.

So, I've decided if I can't find the stories I like to read in this particular genre, maybe I should start writing them.

I've just gotten started, but it's been an adventure so far (especially considering I normally write dark fantasy. Although, I have to say some of that darkness is carrying over here, but the focus is still on the development of the relationship (as well as having a good story outside of the romance).

Do you read fantasy and/or paranormal romance? What do you like and not like about what you read?

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