Wednesday 2 October 2019

If You Read Regularly, Does it Make You a Better Writer? #IWSG #WritersLife

It's been said that the benefits of becoming a writer who does not read is that all your ideas are new and original. Everything you do is an extension of yourself, instead of a mixture of you and another author. On the other hand, how can you expect other people to want your writing, if you don't enjoy reading? What are your thoughts?
I didn't start out as a romance writer. Under my real name, I write dark speculative fiction. Writing romance is something that has intrigued me, though, so I wanted to give it a try. At first, I tried scifi romance, but that wasn't working out for me. I'm not really a scifi writer (even though I tend to have futuristic settings with advanced technology in my fantasy stories). So I figured, since I mainly write fantasy, why not go that route with my romance?

The thing is, since I've never written romance, and I don't often read it, I wasn't sure how to write it. I tried looking up articles on writing romance, but I found their advice to be too generic and didn't really fit my personality. If I'm going to attempt romance, I'm going to approach it like I did my dark fantasy stories. I'm going to try to be as unique as I can be and write the stories as I enjoy reading them.

Of course, I still needed to know what readers expect from fantasy and paranormal romance, so I did the next best thing. I've started reading some of the bestselling fantasy and paranormal romances on Amazon. I've been trying to stick with indie authors since they attract a different reader in most cases.

Reading these stories has given me a great insight into how I can write my own stories so that others would enjoy them, so I would have to say that being a reader is extremely important for writers and can definitely make you a better writer. You can still be original and unique in your writing and writing style, while learning the techniques that have worked for other writers.

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