Thursday 8 August 2019

Your vs. You're #WritingTips

English can quite often be a very confusing language, so today I'm going to explain the difference between "Your" and "You're" and an easy way to remember which is which.

"Your" is a possessive pronoun, so you would use it to show something that belongs to "you".

For example:

Your daughter is beautiful.


I can't believe your grade was higher than mine.

"You're" is the contraction of "You Are"

For example:

You're late for dinner.


I noticed that you're running for class president.

An easy way to remember which one you should use is to replace "your" or "you're" with "you are". If the sentence makes sense, then you would use the contraction form of "you're". If it doesn't make sense then it's "your".

For example:

If your late again for you're dinner, your going to be in trouble.

Rewrite as

If you are late again for you are dinner, you are going to be in trouble.

The first and third "you are" makes sense in the sentence, but the second one doesn't, so you would correct it to read:

If you're late again for your dinner, you're going to be in trouble.

Hope this helps!

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